We had a really wonderful weekend with friends, fun and festivals. On Saturday we were so excited to take our great friends Chan Chan, Kendy and Jeremy for a spin out on the boat. We all had a really nice time together and daddy even let Chan Chan drive the boat. Here I am helping with the boat clean up!
My daddy - the Happy Captain! Daddy has been so excited to have his new boat and enjoys taking out his family and guests. Today we spent a few hours on the boat with Josh, daddy's coworker, Natalia, Nolan and Lucy...the sun was shining, the water was calm and everyone enjoyed themselves.
After we finished up at the boat, we headed to the Greek Festival in Bridgeport. I think we really went for the food, though there was an added bonus of a few carnival rides. Here I am in a vintage car. I say "vintage" because the ride had to have been around for at least 30 years. Maybe that's why my expression is so tentative...
OK - here's a smile for daddy! I really did enjoy the carnival rides - AND the chicken souvlaki.
Thanks to mommy, daddy and our friends for such a great weekend. Mom mentioned that there were still many summer weekends to come...I can only imagine the fun that is in store. Love, Charlotte