Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Haircut!!

Here I am getting ready for my very first haircut! This has been a difficult decision for mommy and daddy, as they have been procrastinating this task for some time.

Check out the cool, Barbie Jeep that I get to sit in while my hair is cut!!

Here is the hairdresser in action. I was very still and well-behaved while my hair was being cut, which was difficult because there were numerous distractions at the salon (TV, paparazzi, toys, etc.).

And here is the finished product! Not much of a change but I felt so happy and proud to have my first haircut. Now I'm all ready for school... can't wait to go. Check back later in the week for photos. XOXO, Charlotte


Chandler said...

Great job on being still, Mommy told me the ladies appreciate that.:) Your new do looks beautiful!!

Charlotte Seymour said...

Thanks, Chan Chan!!!