Monday, July 6, 2009


Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend!  Mom and I are catching up on our blogging this morning, starting with a great playdate that we had at Cedar Point's playground on Thursday.  For a change of pace, I was the only girl with three rough-and-tumble boys.  Here's Chandler, trying to figure out what to do next!

JT had so much fun running, jumping, swinging and sliding.  Here he is getting ready to go down the slide.  The moms had to act fast, as we were all very active at the playground.  Once again we had a very, very rainy week, but the weather managed to cooperate on Thursday and we were all very excited to be outdoors.

Aidan and I are practicing our rock climbing skills...we loved this climbing wall.  Though we had a little help from our moms, we managed much of the climbing on our own.  We haven't seen Aidan lately as much as we would like so it was really nice to get together with him.  Once the playtime was finished, moms and kiddos headed to the CPYC snack bar for lunch.  What a great playdate!  Love, Charlotte

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