Sunday, June 28, 2009

Outdoors once more!

Can somebody say "HAPPY??!?"  I've jumped in the wagon as I am ready to head off to a beach playdate with the gang: Chandler, Mia, Scarlett, Hayley, Aidan, Baby Emma and Baby Rocky and their moms all met here on Friday and we headed for our beach to play.

As I head straight for the water, Chandler is wondering if he should follow suit...his hesitation did not last long and before the end of the playdate we were both rolling around at the edge of the shore, completely waterlogged and having a fantastic time.

Hayley is totally immersed in shell collecting here, content to pass the time seated next to a pile of shells.  Our moms spent much of the time chasing after one child or another..."never a dull" as my mom always says.  I wonder what that means??!?

Stopping just long enough to refuel, Mia and I are trying to get our food and drink in quickly before returning to the task at hand: getting as much time as possible outdoors before the rain returns.  We were fortunate to have had a 3-hour stretch at the beach before the skies opened up.  But I only heard about that from mom, as I was napping blissfully during that time.

That is one happy Scarlett!  We are so happy to have Scarlett back among the "regulars" at our playgroups.  Scarlett's mom is on summer vacation and both are eager to get back into the swing of playing and catching up.  We can't wait to see Scarlett again this week!

What a great playdate - and a fantastic start to the weekend, which ended up being much nicer than we expected.  Mom, Dad and I spent time on our own out on the boat and hosted our friends Mia, David and Dori today (pix to follow).  We can't believe that Sunday night is upon us already... Love, Charlotte

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