Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

Hello Everyone!
Today is the 4th of July and we've been having loads of fun around here since yesterday.  Some of my friends came over last night (shout out to Mia and Chandler!) and we all stayed up way past our bed times to watch the fireworks.  Mom and Dad were very hopeful that I would sleep in this morning since I was up until almost 10PM last night...but, alas, I was up at 4:50AM and ready for my bottle.  We participated in Saugatuck Island's annual 4th of July parade and then went to a pool party.  I really enjoyed the parade but, as you can plainly see, was so exhausted from all of the festivities that I fell asleep in my wagon.  I'm exhausted... I've also had a really great week this week with a visit to the Natural History Museum and went to an outdoor music concert with my friends.
Hope you are having a nice holiday and enjoy the photos.
Love, Charlotte
PS - I am starting to walk with the assistance of a push cart...check out the video.

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