Hello friends! Well, we haven't been here for awhile but, in our defense, we really are very, very busy with brothers (more on them later), back-to-school (more coming on that, too!) and just life in general. The summer was great: I had so much fun at camp, making new friends and, as usual, celebrated many birthdays...including my OWN! So happy to be 3 years old. Here are a few highlights from my Big Day.

Open wide, daddy! There really were a LOT of presents (some might say, "too many"...but I was OK with it!) and this Doctor kit from mom and dad was one of my favorites. We've spent many an hour since my birthday listening to heartbeats, taking temperatures and blood pressure readings and testing reflexes. Mom thinks I'm a natural!

And the obsession with babies continues... I really, really love taking care of my babies: feeding them, bathing them, changing their diapers, etc. My friend Nikita gave me this baby for my birthday...I just love her!

When we talk "birthdays" around here, we need to be clear on one thing: birthdays always mean cake or cupcakes! After all, what's a birthday party without a sweet treat to celebrate? My mom knocked it out of the park this year with this beautiful, delicious Pirate Dora cake. Here is a shot of me and my friends waiting anxiously to dig in.

My birthday party, held again this year (for the 3rd year running) at our beach, had a Pirate theme, which was SO COOL!!! And the boys had to get in on the action, too, with their pirate outfits...and check out Beckett's eye patch? Can you say, "ARGGHHHHHHHH?!?!?"

Though I spent most of my time in the water (swimsuit not required, apparently), I did take a pizza break. Running, jumping, swimming and splashing requires lots of energy...and I definitely worked up an appetite!

I don't exactly remember what I'm saying to my mom here but it is clear that I am declaring my thoughts with conviction. I hope I am saying something like, "you are the BEST mommy in the world for throwing me the most incredible of Pirate Birthday Bashes!" My 3rd birthday was a grand celebration and, even though we are late in documenting it here, it was a day we won't soon forget! Thanks to all my friends who were able to attend my party...you really made it special. With love, Charlotte xoxo